Email Marketing
Email campaigns
Do you want a cost-effective way of alerting your clients and prospects of news in your company? Email campaigns allow you to inform your contacts in a targeted, customizable, and measurable way of various aspects of your business. They are actionable and mobile-friendly, accessible to customers. Our partnership with a top email marketing software company allows us to customize your email list and your message.

Customizable email marketing campaigns
Email marketing campaigns are used by over 80 percent of B2B companies for one simple reason: They work. If they’re done correctly. Our Sunfish team creates appealing messages and campaigns that are 100 percent customizable. We create impactful campaigns that get the action you desire.

A Reason to Interact with Your Business
Distributing a personalized, targeted, linked, and visually appealing communication is an easy way for you to alert your clients of new or revised product offerings and induce excitement. They are often used to inform clients of your presence at an exhibition, but their uses are broader. They give your prospects and customers a reason to interact with your business.